This week, I asked ya'll what you wanted to see this month. Holiday Trends, Decor Ideas, or Gift Lists? An overwhelming amount asked that I share my holiday Gift Lists.
So without further ado here are my #taysteful recommendations for Her, Him, and Baby! Happy Chrismukkah or Hanumas as my mother in law likes to say!
Below is my personal wish list. These are items I legit requested from my fam! I'm especially coveting #10. Mom, I hope you're reading this.
1. boots / 2. mug / 3. necklace / 4. headphones / 5. watch band / 6. duffle / 7. coffee maker / 8. lettuce grow / 9. hair dryer / 10. handbag
My husband has asked me just shy of 100 times for #2. Eric, consider the surprise officially blown. You WILL be getting slippers this year. You're welcome.
1. spotify / 2. slippers / 3. smoker / 4. shaker / 5. smoking gun / 6. record player / 7. joggers / 8. golden retriever / 9. dutch oven / 10. cooler
TBH, #3 and #4 have already been secured for baby boy. I have ZERO self control when it comes to emotional purchasing for my child. No shame in admitting it either.
1. rainbow / 2. reindeer / 3. matched set / 4. hat / 5. sneakers / 6. book / 7. pj's / 8. stackable cups / 9. vest / 10. bike
Whatever you end up purchasing for your loved ones this season, I hope that ya'll received the gifts of health and happiness. The best presents can not be bought.
Santa (formerly known as Tay)